CSCI 6555 - Computer Animation: Fall 2013
General Information
"Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques" by Rick ParentReferences
Watt and Watt, Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques
Kerlow, The Art of 3-D Computer Animation and ImagingInstructorProf. James K. Hahn
Office: T-720C Academic Center
Office phone: 202-994-5920
URL: http://www.icg.gwu.eduOffice Hours
4:00PM - 6:00PM on Monday and Wednesday
Staughton Hall 301TA
Wei Li : gw_liwei@gwmail.gwu.eduAssignments
There will be approximately five assignmentsExams
A mid-term and a finalGrades
Based on the following weighting:
Midterm exam25%
Final exam35%Grading is on a curve, modified to account for overall class quality.
Missed exam
By prior arrangement only, or due to an immediate personal emergency.Cooperation
I encourage you to discuss approaches to problem solutions with each other. It is unreasonable to collaboratively work out a detailed solution, to copy a solution, or to give away a solution for the assignments. However, I encourage you to work with each other for the final project. All examinations, papers, and other graded work products and assignments are to be completed in conformance with The George Washington University Code of Academic Integrity.
* Introduction
* Introduction to traditional animation (Lab 0)
Kinematics of motion
Key-framing introduction
Coordinate systems
* Euler angles and Quaternions (Lab 1)
Catmull-Rom and B-Splines
Advanced key-framing
* Articulated Figures - Forward Kinematics
Walking, running, aperiodic motion
* Articulated Figures - Inverse Kinematics (Lab 2)
Physics based modeling (Rigid, collision detection and response)
Optimization techniques
* Kinematic deformable objects (Lab 3)
Human and animal modeling and animation (soft tissue, skin)
Facial Animation - Parametric model
* Physics based modeling (Deformable models)
* Morphing
Behavioral and heuristic models
Plants, algorithmic animation
* (Lab 4)
Evolutionary techniques
Derivation of controllers
* Animation languages and systems
Motion-capture and Real-time Control
VR and animation
* Rendering and temporal-aliasing (Lab 5)
* Sound modeling and synchronization
* Video/editing/film recording
* Presentation of storyboard/plan for final project
* Festival of Animation!