Festival of Animation

Spring 2025 Festival of Animation

Festival of Animation is a showcase of projects from computer science courses:
Computer Graphics, Computer Animations, Computer Games, Multimedia, HCI, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality 

The "Festival" has been going on every year since 1990.
The applicable courses include CSCI 4454, 4455, 4551, 4552, 4553, 4554, 6554, 6555, 6561, and 6562. 

Spring 2025 Festival of Animation will take place in SEH B-1220 and B-1270 on May 2, 5 PM - 7 PM.
Drop by and enjoy pizza and drinks.

Festival of Animation 2024

Festival of Animation Fall 2024

Festival of Animation Spring 2024

Festival of Animation 2023

Festival of Animation Fall 2023

Festival of Animation Spring 2021

Festival of Animation Fall 2020

Festival of Animation 2020

How to participate in Spring 2020 Festival of Animation

Festival Committee


Dr. Louai Adhami        Computer Graphics I

Dr. Juman Byun           Computer Games

Dr. James Hahn           Computer Graphics II, Computer Animation

Elyse Nicolas                Interactive Multimedia

Dr. Hurriyet Ok           AR/VR, Organizer of the Festival

Prince Rozario              Introduction to CG

Room builders

Jing Guo                      VR room

Shiva Omrani              AR room

Mobai Wang               Welcome Hall

Dr. Xiao Xiao               Research room­­ 

Shang Zhao                 Research, Multimedia, Nostalgia rooms

Winners selected by jury

·     Computer Graphics 1: Kevin Deems for his elegant use of lighting and textures. 

·     Computer Graphics II: Zheming Gu for the excellent implementation of ray tracing and bump mapping.

·     VR: Yihan Chen for the VR design and excellent immersive experience

·     AR. Tim Lytkine for the educational and interactive mobile AR app, for its effective use of WebAR technology with voice command feature.

·     Multimedia: Ajmal Kukkangai's project for its complexity, great interactive experience, and excellent creation and use of multimedia.

Winners selected by audience

·      Computer Graphics I: Jekko Syquia

·      Computer Graphics II: Mobai Wang

·      VR: Avi Duhan

·      AR: Shiva Omrani

·      Multimedia: Vedant Shrivastava










The Welcome Hall


Welcome Hall


VR Room




AR Room




Interactive Multimedia Room


Design of Interactive Multimedia


Computer Graphics I Room




Computer Graphics II Room




Research Room


research room


Nostalgia Room


Nostalgia Room


Festival of Animation 2019
Festival of Animation 2017

Winners of Festival of Animation Fall 2017 Animation Category



Festival of Animation 2014

Winners of Festival of Animation Fall 2014 Animation Category

"Turtle Robot" by Junjie Wang
- CSCI 4552: Computer Animation I 

Graphical image of a Turtle Robot


"Hurting Pride" by Johnathan O'Connor
- CSCI 4552: Computer Animation I

Graphical image of a Hurting Pride

Graphical image of a Hurting Pride 2

Winner of Festival of Animation Fall 2014 Game Development Category

"The Lost Bit" by Athoug Alsoughayer, Ahmed Elamin and Johnathan O'Connor
- CSCI 4455: Computer Game Design&Programming 

Graphical image of The Lost Bit

Winner of Festival of Animation Spring 2014 Animation Category

"Gem Wars" by Zaid Ibrahim - CSCI 4552: Computer Animation I 

Graphical image of Gem Wars


Festival of Animation 2013

Winner of Festival of Animation Fall 2013 Animation Category

"Fluid Smoke" by Lei Ding - CSCI 6555: Computer Animation 


"Dog Pilot" by Kaiubi F Santos - CSCI 4552: Design of Computer Animation I 


Festival of Animation 2012

Winner of Festival of Animation Fall 2012 Animation Category

"Escaping Dragon's Keep" by Ke Sun - CSCI 4552: Computer Animation I

 Graphical image of a man with sword

Winner of Festival of Animation Spring 2012 Animation Category

"Trials of the Heart" by Andrew Olowude - CSCI 4553: Computer Animation II 
A couple discovers that not all love stories have a happy ending.

Graphical image of clouds  Graphical image of a man on a bench


Festival of Animation 2011

Winner of Festival of Animation 2011 Game Development Category

The completeness of Battle Fly by Han Yinchong won the game development category of Festival of Animation at The George Washington University.



Honorable Mention in Festival of Animation 2011 Game Development Category

An original, creative game play of Bottoms Up by Chris Bernal earned him an honorable mention.


Festival of Animation 2007

Graphical image of the Festival of Animation 2007 logo

Festival of Animation 2006

Graphical image of a compilation of many images, baby, pacman and a green monster

Submitted Animations for Fall 2006 .MPG
First Row by: Timothy Kim, Hind Saddiki, Tyler Siddell
Second Row by: Justin Street , Andre Keuck, Jeremy Sadwith

Festival of Animation 2004

Graphical image of an office

Richard Bobell from
CS181 : Design of 
Computer Animation

Graphical image of a green plane

Chris Covington from
CS185 : Computer Graphics I

Graphical image of a blue background

Samir Roy
CS266: Computer

Graphical image of a magazine cover

Graphical image of a dog in front of a computer

Graphical image of a GW




PhD Students in Computer Graphics Lab


The candidates at Festival of Animation (2014 Fall)

Photo of ph.d students

The winners for the 
best animations:
Rizwan Sattar, James Sibert,
and Aaron Kieldsing



The candidates who have been nominated
for the George Award (2002 Spring, Fall)


Graphical image of balls

A Little Love Story
WMV ( 2.63M)
Ayaka Kanke 2000

Graphical image of a clown

Jiggly the Clown
WMV (925KB)
Yincheng Shih 2000

Graphical image of autumn

WMV (1.78M)
Tina Ma 2001

Graphical image of robot

The Causal Agent 
WMV (2.13M)
Philipp Wassibauer 2001

Graphical image of  haboo wanna box

Haboo Wanna Box 
WMV (1.40M)
Nayef Al Hezayen 2002

Graphical image of a snowboarder

The Big Day (1.41M)
WMV (1.41M)
Rizwan Satter 2002

Graphical image of chocolate

WMV (6.48M)
Tina Ma 2002

Graphical image of a dance floor

Fade & Reflect 
WMV (1.28M)
Alex Hanisch 2003

Graphical image of scales

The Rootin' Tootin'
WMV (1.04M)
Emerik Uy 2003

Graphical image of night stand with a radio

The Super Dee-Dupper
Walker Upper 
WMV (1.42M)
Ody Uy 2003