CS 4554- Computer Graphics I: Instructions for Assignment 4

Assignment Description:

For this project you can implement the graphics application of your choosing. It can be can build on what you've done so far, it can be done in conjunction with a project in another class, or something of your own invention including a game, visualization, simulation or exploration using 3D graphics.


1. Use OpenGL with 3D models and lighting.
2. Use OpenGL shaders to implement at least some of your effects.
3. Allows user interaction either in controlling the viewpoint and/or objects in the scene.
4. If you have any doubts the program you are designing meets the necessary requirements, check with the instructor!


Above and beyond the call of duty:

This assignment has the same base point total (100) as the previous assignments. The level of sophistication for this assignment should be incremental beyond what was required for Assignment 3. Again, if you want to make sure your project achieves that, please check with me.

For those students who want to go above and beyond, this project will also offer extra credit of up to 50 additional points. Points over 100 will not be averaged into the class average/curve so it truly is 'extra credit'. If you want to turn in a project that is designed to receive extra credit, you should probably ask for pointers on what it would take.


Due Date:

The project can be turned in anytime before the ?nal exam.