CS 6554 - Computer Graphics II: Spring 2005
Assignments Uploaded
General Information
TEXT: Watt, 3D Computer Graphics, third edition
Prof. James K. Hahn
Office: 720B
E-mail: [email protected]
OFFICE HOURS: Mondays, Wednesdays 4:00-6:00
ASSIGNMENTS There will be approximately four programming assignments in addition to a term project. Late assignments will not be accepted. The assignments will demonstrate concepts learned in class. The assignments will be handed-in by posting to the class web page and by emailing the grader: [email protected]
EXAMS: A mid-term and a final
PROJECT: : Each student completes an individual final project. This project should not necessarily be the most challenging (i.e. the final project is weighted the same as the other four assignments). The topic of the final project is entirely up to the student. You should discuss the project with the instructor.
GRADES: Based on the following weighting:
Assignments + Project | 50% |
Mid-term exam | 20% |
Final exam | 30% |
Grading is on a curve, modified to account for overall class quality.
MISSED EXAM: By prior arrangement only, or due to an immediate personal emergency.
COOPERATION: It is reasonable for you to discuss approaches to problem solutions with each other. It is unreasonable to collaboratively work out a detailed solution, to copy a solution, or to give away a solution.
Outline for Spring 2005
Topics | Chap | Lab assigned |
Introduction | ||
3-D Viewing Transformation | 5 | Lab 1 |
Shading | 6 | |
Visible-Surface Determination | 6 | Lab 2 |
Illumination Models | 7 | Lab 3 |
Representation/modeling | 2 | |
Representation of Curves and Surfaces | 3 | |
Representation and rendering | 4 | |
Anti-aliasing | 14 | |
Texture Mapping | 8 | Lab 4 |
Procedural Textures | 8 | |
Shadows | 9 | |
Global Illumination | 10 | Lab 5 |
Ray Tracing | 11 | |
Radiosity | 12 | |
Volumetric Rendering | 13 | |
Image-based Rendering | 16 | |
Project Presentations(Festival of Animation May 6?) |