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CS 4554- Computer Graphics I: Assignment 3 : Lighting and Texture Mapping
- Render a room with 4 walls, ceiling, and floor;
- Place multiple objects in the room;
- Objects should have appropriate normals, back face removal, and lighting ( ambient, diffuse, and specular );
- Do texture mapping on the walls, ceiling and floor;
- Viewer should be able to move and look around the room using keyboard keys;
Upload( blackboard )
- A description of your project structure (short documentation);
- Source code with enough comments to make it clear what you are doing;
- Movie of your animation
Extensions (Preparation for next Lab)
- Add multiple light sources to the room instead of just one;
- Do not let the viewpoint penetrate any of the objects and walls;
- Make one or more objects semi-transparent(remember to draw all triangles, not just the front-facing triangle);
- Texture map one or more model objects using the objects texture coordinates or generated cooordinates;
- To do lighting in OpenGL, you should not only pass vertex position but also vertex normal to OpenGL;
- You can calculate normal for each vertex by averaging the normals from its nerighboring faces;
- To enable/disable lighting, search GL_LIGHTING, GL_LIGHT0;
- To set up parameters for light source and surface material, search glLightfv, glMaterialfv;
Texture Mapping
Lab Hint